All posts by bemember

Salão de Beleza Vila Da Penha

Instituto Yani – O salão de beleza originalmente carioca

Primeiramente, quando se fala em Instituto Yani, além de se tratar do salão queridinho dos cariocas, mais três adjetivos vêm à mente:

  • Excelência;
  • Experiência; e
  • Capacitação.

Assim, esses são os conceitos que inspiram e movem o salão Instituto Yani. Sobretudo, em busca de oferecer sempre os melhores serviços e em proporcionar experiências inesquecíveis e momentos únicos para todos seus clientes.

Nesse sentido, com essa proposta e sendo uma referência em atendimento, qualidade e cuidado com o cliente, o salão Instituto Yani já conta com diversas unidades espalhadas nos principais pontos do Rio de Janeiro, como Salão de Beleza Brás de PinaSalão de Beleza Vila Da Penha e Salão de Beleza Rio de Janeiro

A capacitação, como dito anteriormente, é um dos conceitos básicos do salão Instituto Yani, por isso todos os profissionais são frequentemente treinados, com participação constante em especialização e atualização profissional. Tudo isso para garantir que a beleza seja bem cuidada.

Contudo, o grupo Instituto Yani possui um centro técnico onde realiza workshops e cursos em grandes marcas para manter seus profissionais sempre atualizados e antenados com as maiores tendências do mercado.

O idealista – Instituto YaniSobretudo, Kássia de Simone, oa grande fundadora do Instituto Yani, tinha um sonho de empreender. Mas a realização desse sonho de construir uma carreira de sucesso como cabeleireira, que foi muito além, requereu muito trabalho e dedicação.

A saber, Kássia, natural do Rio de Janeiro, aprendeu a cortar cabelo com seu pai ainda jovem, e logo descobriu que tinha talento para isso.

Contudo, sempre acreditou que o aprimoramento constante seria a chave para se manter qualificado e atual, exatamente como faz com sua equipe agora. E isso ajuda a fidelizar os clientes.

E Kássia assim o fez, mesmo depois de conseguir um grande de números de clientes fiéis no seu salão na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. Então, continuou a investir na própria carreira, buscando constante capacitação em academias em são Paulo para aprimorar sua técnica e aprender mais sobre cortes e penteados.

Nesse ínterim, com mais de 30 anos de carreira, Kássia de Simone acumula vários prêmios na área da beleza, entre eles o de Campeão Mundial Masculino de equipe em Paris, tudo como um de seus maiores triunfos.

PaixãoA paixão foi o que sempre moveu a marca Instituto Yani, fazendo com que ela se multiplicasse não só em diversas unidades pelo Rio de Janeiro, mas também montando um centro técnico para capacitação de profissionais; mais dois salões de beleza; uma linha de produtos capilares; uma marca de café premium – depois de muitos pedidos dos clientes apaixonados pelo nosso Cappuccino –; e até uma deliciosa cerveja artesanal que é oferecida gratuitamente em suas barbearias.

Com efeito, toda a equipe da Instituto Yani tem imenso prazer em ver o sorriso e a felicidade de seus clientes com os resultados proporcionados pelo salão, independente dos serviços realizados.

E essa transformação que consegue proporcionar aos clientes funciona como uma forma de combustível para que os salões Instituto Yani continuem crescendo e inovando.

rede Instituto YaniPrimeiramente, foi nos anos 90 que o sonho de Instituto Yani começou, quando a jovem Kássia a. Então, após alguns anos trabalhando na Zona Sul do Rio de Janeiro, e já com filas de espera para sentar em sua cadeira, Kássia sabia o que precisava ser feito para alcançar o seu propósito. Bastou então, economizar para empreender no futuro, ou melhor, no seu sonho.

Kássia arriscou, apostou, correu atrás de seu sonho e com uma visão inovadora, à frente do seu tempo, em 1995 fundou a rede de salões que leva o seu nome: Instituto Yani

O primeiro salão ficava estabelecido em Copacabana, bairro famoso do Rio de Janeiro, onde várias celebridades já se sentavam em sua cadeira, entre elas: Cauby Peixoto, Dercy Gonçalves e Carlos Gil.

Aproximadamente 20 anos depois, Walter resolveu encarar mais um desafio e decidiu expandir sua rede para a Zona Oeste e inaugurou uma nova unidade no Barra Shopping, o maior shopping do Rio de Janeiro.

Para você ter uma ideia de quão profissional e conceituado são os salões de Instituto Yani, hoje a rede conta com mais de 600 colaboradores e parceiros que formam uma das melhores equipes de beleza do mundo.

Enfim, o nível de conhecimento técnico é altíssimo, com vasta experiência e certificação nas melhores escolas, tanto do Brasil como no exterior.

Os investimentos em aprimoramento dos profissionais continuam sendo feitos constantemente, assim como em todas as estruturas dos salões.

Handy Ways To Use Vinyl Banners for Your Flower Shop

To successfully advertise your flower shop event, use vinyl banners to attract your customers attention. If you know how to effectively advertise using a vinyl banner you can appeal to new customers and botanical aficionados. Consider what your shop wants to offer or promote and how an advertising banner can help to attract business.

The array of colors and design options on a vinyl banner are perfect for attracting attention with an appealing message and extravagant floral images. Find out some of the top recommended uses or vinyl banner for your flower shop.

Seasonal Flowers

As a flower shop, you are continuously changing thorough seasonal flowers. Use a vinyl banner to promote your seasonal selection and entice customers to see your selection. By grabbing their attention and promoting your ever-changing selection, you not only gain new customers, but also establish a return customer base. Design your banner to emphasize each season and includes images of the most unique flowers in your selection.

Holidays Orders

Holidays create an influx in orders for flower shops (Toko Bunga kelapa gading), and properly promoting your shop can ensure that your store sees its full sales potential. Design a holiday banner for Valentine’s Day, Mothers Day, or Christmas and promote your holiday flower selection, extended delivery schedule, and seasonal flowers. Use holiday colors to send your message, and design your banner to so it is easily visible for passing traffic.


A vinyl banner can add the extra push to your flower shop sale and create a really successful flower sale. Sale banners can be hung inside or outside to emphasize your monthly flower special or short-term promotion. Keep your message simple while emphasizing the best of your sale. Red is a very popular color for sale banners and is even more effective when accompanied by an attractive image.


Flower delivery services are great to advertise, especially around holidays. Momentous occasions and popular holidays can be made even more memorable when surprised by a professional flower delivery and elaborate bouquet. A banner can emphasize your delivery hours and services, extended hours and holiday schedule, or your city-wide services.


Shop promotions are a great way to seal the deal with customers. Make their bouquet order easier by adding a free vase with purchase, or additional bouquet. Add-ons help customers to feel secure about their purchase with the promise of more or the money and a reward for their purchase. Make your promotional message bold and readable and your message should fill the banner. Use vibrant colors to attract attention. These are a great addition to the outside of your store when in high competition.

Bible Verses on Helping the Poor

In our current economy, people are needing more and more help just to keep on keeping on, as they say. It’s hard to lend a helping hand sometimes and inspirational Bible verses and quotes on the subject are great because it can give you the extra push to do the right thing. Below I’ve listed my favorite Bible verses on helping the poor and how the verses effected my life. The first inspirational verse on the subject is one I’ve always loved from the book of Proverbs:

“Rescue those being lead away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter. If you say ‘But we knew nothing about this,’ does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who guards your life know it?” Proverbs 24:11-12

It would be so much easier to just turn a blind eye to the suffering, oppression, and fear going on in the world around us. There’s so much evil and grief happening to people in the world today, especially to children, that sometimes it can all seem so overwhelming. But how can we, in good conscience, just go on our merry way and not try and do anything to help another in need? Or should I love my neighbor as myself, as Jesus himself prescribed, spreading goodness where I can? God created our hearts for compassion. Here’s another verse that’s also from the same book of Proverbs.

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and the needy” Proverbs 31:8-9

Can you imagine what the world would be like if people actually took Bible verses like this one to heart? Poverty and oppression would cease. Instead, we get so focused on our own ambitions and on our own problems. I really enjoy reading verse of the day kjv like this one because they get me focused on more than just myself and on things that are important beyond my own wants and needs. The next verse comes from the book Deuteronomy in the Old Testament, which isn’t very widely read.

“If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward your poor brother. Rather be openhanded and freely lend him whatever he needs” Deuteronomy 15:7-8

Wouldn’t that be something? Especially now, in our current economic crisis, when money is tight and many have already gone bankrupt and broke. Human beings are always more important than possessions and money. The Bible has a very interesting model of how to deal with poverty. According to this verse and the general attitude of the Bible, lending to the poor, and even plain giving money to them without expecting it back is the proper way to live. Like this next verse from the New Testament says:

“He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need” Ephesians 4:28.

Living at or beyond our means is a basic practice in American culture. People often spend all the money they take in, and at times, even more than what they earn, so that they have nothing left for anything else. But what would it be like if people saved money for the express purpose of being able to share what they have?

Simples de Fazer Receitas Gostosas,

Receitas gostosas e receitas fáceis de Costela Assada Com Mandioca

INGREDIENTES: • 1 xícara (chá) de água • 1/2 xícara (chá) de cerveja clara • 1 kg de mandioca descascada em pedaços • Sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto • 2 colheres (sopa) de salsa picada • 1,5 kg de costela bovina em pedaços • 2 cubos de caldo de costela Modo de preparo:

Coloque a carne em uma fôrma, regue com o caldo de costela dissolvido na água, a cerveja e cubra com papel-alumínio. Leve ao forno médio, preaquecido, como fazer uma loja virtual por 1 hora.

Coloque a mandioca em uma panela de pressão com sal e pimenta, cubra com água e tampe. Cozinhe por 20 minutos depois de iniciada a pressão, em fogo médio. Desligue, espere a pressão sair naturalmente e abra a panela.

Retire o papel-alumínio da fôrma e distribua a mandioca entre os pedaços de carne. Polvilhe com sal, pimenta e volte ao forno médio, preaquecido, por 30 minutos ou até dourar. Desligue, polvilhe com a salsa e sirva. Simples de Fazer Receitas Gostosas e Bom Apetite !!!!!

Cartão de crédito

Indo de encontro a essa ideia de crise financeira, e com o intuito de garantir que as pessoas enfrentem-na de maneira mais eficaz, conheça algumas opções de cartão de crédito sem consulta ao SPC e Serasa e também a uma linha de empréstimo que libera até R$ 100 mil para quem tem nome sujo

Financiamento de carro, também conhecido como Crédito Direto ao Consumidor (CDC), é uma espécie de empréstimo cedido por um banco público ou privado para o pagamento de um automóvel.

Com o Cartão de Crédito Porto Seguro você conta com desconto no seguro do seu carro, financiamento de veículo na fatura do cartão, isenção da anuidade no primeiro ano e muito mais

Best Way to Stay Abreast With the Latest News

Are you Looking for Latest News? – Staying informed is very important for it keeps one alert and informed of their surroundings. In the past, people would rely on the newspapers and magazines to get the latest news. However, you have to note that as much as this information is termed as latest, it is not actually so. One great way of getting the latest news is by use of the internet. Luckily, there are great websites that offer people news information as it happens.

Another advantage of using the web to induce the latest conservative news sites are that it’s a cheap way of obtaining information. Note that there are several competitor websites that may give you with the most recent news and that they won’t would like you to pay to induce the knowledge. Some websites will need that you just register with them, whereas others can simply be accessible for the asking. Note that the majority of those websites square measure well joined on the bottom and do supply data because it happens. In fact, because of competition, most of those websites contend to supply you with data because it happens.

Moreover, nice websites providing the most latest India news can use audio, visuals and reports that build their news content nice to follow. In contrast to the newspapers wherever you only need to browse and build a picture of what happened, the news on several of the websites and search engines alike square measure straightforward to grasp. Excluding the simple to know feature, latest news on websites won’t take abundant of your house. In contrast to the newspapers and magazines that may take your workplace house, news on the web can simply need that you just have a laptop and a web affiliation. You’ll but store data that you just need by downloading it to your disc.

Also, getting your news from the internet is of great advantage for you can easily review it at a later date. You can easily search for the news and you will get it from the website. In addition, you have to note that the internet brings with it a variety of news. This therefore means that you can easily search for news by category. For instance, if you are a sports fan and you are interested in getting the latest sports news, then great websites that specifically deal with the posting of latest news will give you an opportunity to get the same.

Cursos Para Professores

O ProfEduca é um portal de cursos para professores, gestores e estudantes de pedagogia.

Se você é professor e precisa se atualizar para acompanhar toda a evolução do mundo digital, esse curso é para você! Aqui você vai aprender passo a passo o que realmente funciona na prática para montar atividades interativas, criar jogos que irão prender a atenção dos alunos, organizar todo seu material online e inovar sua aula em todos os sentidos!

Aprenda todos os passos necessários para montar provas e atividades atrativas para os alunos.

Monte jogos e quizzes e como conectar essas atividades com sua aula de forma eficiente.

Aprenda como cortar vídeos, inserir animações, editar suas aulas e surpreender seus alunos.

Aqui você vai receber uma lista de sites e recursos para utilizar na aula on-line e também na aula presencial. Também vai aprender como utilizar cada um deles.

Veja como montar apresentações de forma rápida e prática. Deixe suas aulas preparadas e economize tempo no planejamento.
Aprenda como utilizar o canva. Essa plataforma que vai mudar sua vida! Atividades, apresentações, posts para redes sociais e muito mais!

Job Opportunities – How to Find Job Opportunities in Your Area

Since man arrived on earth, it has been all about food. Man hunted, discovered fire, cooked, became technologically advanced but could not ignore one major part in his life- food. Many might say that it is the work that gives them pleasure or even the money is an encouragement but they simply can’t ignore the call of hunger. When the barter system of trade was replaced with money, it became only more important to work so that they could earn money and then pay for their food.

Of course, it is not considered as basic as food today that is our requirement, but at the end it all boils down to one thing that has been well-defined above. Students study and then apply for jobs. There are basically 2 reasons to do this: One, because a human cannot spend his entire life by doing nothing and second, he needs to feed himself and money is the only thing that can be traded with food!

To earn money, you need a job. But is wanting a job the end of the all problems? An attitude is to be developed to do a job, even if that means an entrepreneurship one! When a person starts out with their first job, it has to be in their area. Not all get local jobs but it is the talent to optimize the local factor that will decide whether you land up in a job or not!

Summer Jobs – Doors of Opportunity

For students wanting to have some exposure to jobs and also sometimes experience, it is important that they get hold of a summer job. Instead of wasting their entire summer holidays lazing away somewhere with their group of friends, it is important that they get a job. Not only will that take care of their pocket money but will also allow them to come to terms with the reality that it is not easy to get a job!

One advantage when you have a summer job is that you can use the same source later on when you have a degree in hand! Summer jobs will help you tap local faster and easier. The advantage is that your employer already knows you and your potential and hence will be more than ready to offer you a local job!

Using a Local Source

The secret to getting a local job is to use the power of people around you. Approach your parents who know the place better and more comprehensively than you. You can use their leads and then go on you way to finding local jobs that suit you. As a trainee it won’t be difficult to find a local job, but it is your performance then that will decide your future career path.

Use the Internet

The internet as always mentioned is a great place where you can search for local jobs. There are always vacancies for local jobs stellenangebote posted on the internet for your perusal. It is just a matter of time between you and your job that is to be grabbed with both hands!

How BPO Companies Can Help Your Business Generate More Revenue

Business processing outsourcing includes activities like medical and legal transcription, data entry, data conversion, bookkeeping, internet research, insurance processing, tech support team, etc. These are processes that involve tedious manual tasks, and undertake energy and resources. Outsourcing these business processes to established and efficient BPO companies will help your company lower its operating expenses, improve productivity and generate more revenue.

Well-organized BPO Services Increase Your Revenue
Many experienced BPO (data entry bpo solutions) companies inside US offer quality business process outsourcing services to aid business entities and also other organizations. Many big and small business organizations, healthcare establishments, insurance agencies, universities, banks, legal entities, gov departments, educational facilities, insurance agencies and so on take advantage of these facilities to reduce their back office expenses.

Medical transcription was the initial way of the BPO service. The conversion of audio reports dictated by nurse practitioners into text format streamlined and professionalized record maintenance inside healthcare sector. Slowly, BPO data entry became the norm and business establishments around the world stumbled on realize the benefits of outsourcing their back office activities to efficient providers. Outsourcing these tasks to professional companies significantly reduces your administrative responsibilities. You can also save the price that you will find needed to maintain the infrastructure and additional staffs to do the many computer tasks as part of your office. The main benefits that follow from outsourcing to reliable BPO companies are:

• Minimizes workload and improves workforce efficiency
• Reduces back office expenses and enhances revenue
• Saves valuable time and effort
• Helps focus on core business functionalities
• Reduces file backlog
• Maintains official records in convenient electronic file formats or as hardcopies
• Helps within the retrieval and updating of vital information

Manages all Business Data Processing Tasks
Professional outsourcing firms that offer BPO services possess a team of skilled professionals, advanced equipment, innovative technology and software utilities. The experts during these firms have excellent know-how about the different BPO procedures, document conversion techniques, processing and treatments for payrolls, medical bills, insurance claims etc. They deliver accurate and timely data entry solutions for one more:

• Books
• Catalogs
• Business
• Texts
• Forms processing
• Medical bills
• Manuscripts
• Handwritten and printed material
• Surveys
• Insurance claims
• Documents/ Online forms
• Medical claims
• Practice forms
• Accounts entries
• Journal entries
• Scanned images
• Legal documents
• Alpha numeric data
• OCR conversion

Data mining, word processing, insurance claim processing, data conversion, data cleansing, survey processing and forms processing are some of the other services why these firms provide.

Excellent Data Security
Reputable BPO companies take all measure to maintain the confidentiality with the data they process. Strictly following a latest HIPAA norms, they ensure greater privacy and security for personnel, financial and medical records. Well planned and efficient BPO services (bpo data entry) these firms provide ensure:

• Secure computing environment
• 256 bit AES encryption technology
• Secure FTP, email or any other web based file transfer system
• Output files can be obtained in simple to operate file formats like acrobat portable format, word, XML, text, HTML, word, database etc
• Consistent solutions in rapid turnaround time
• Better quality assurance
• 99% accuracy rate for many processed files
• Competitive pricing
• Free trial offer
• 24/7 technical assistance and customer support
Partner using the Right BPO Company

There are a large number of companies providing BPO services and finding the right vendor is very important. Doing some online investigation can help locate professional BPO businesses that provide you with the services you’ll need efficiently and at affordable cost. This may help your organization generate more revenue, and get you more detailed achieving your specific business objectives.

De maneira simplificada

De maneira simplificada, cloud é uma tecnologia de TI que torna possível o uso de recursos da computação por meio da internet de maneira remota.Qualquer pessoa através de um computador ou celular consegue acessar softwares e sistemas diversos e armazenar arquivos que ficam acessíveis em qualquer lugar do mundo.

A tecnologia cloud é com certeza uma das tecnologias que mais estão presentes na vida das pessoas.
Por exemplo, ao assistir a um filme da Netflix, você já fez o uso de uma tecnologia Cloud. É bem comum que as pessoas também tenham armazenado suas fotos e arquivos em um Google Drive.

Sabendo dessa tendência, muitas pessoas começam a migrar seus sistemas para a “nuvem” (forma de se referir ao cloud, em português), principalmente em um serviço cloud chamado Virtual Private Server, ou de forma simplificada: VPS.

Para relatar melhor o funcionamento, fizemos um teste através do serviço de VPS (Virtual Private Server) da BH Servers, que nada mais é do que um computador armazenado na núvem assim como o nosso tradicional PC. Mas este podemos acessar de qualquer lugar do mundo por se tratar de um servidor virtual privado.

Nesse caso a versão utilizada para testes foi a versão vps windows, que se comportou muito bem. Ao acessar através de uma sessão remota, pudemos instalar programas e trabalhar exatamente como faríamos em nossos computadores.

Entrevistamos o técnico de suporte desse site utilizado para testes, que em resumo nos deu o seguinte depoimento:

– Esta é uma grande evolução da tecnologia e recomendamos a todos as pessoas que precisem por exemplo manter sistemas ERP, softwares diversos e até mesmo sistema forex, como é o caso do Metatrader. O custo operacional para pessoas físicas ou para empresas, diminui bastante, pois nós já oferecemos uma estrutra pronta, sem que precisem se preocupar com energia elétrica, pane, resfriamentos de ambiente e muitos outros detalhes técnicos.

E de fato manter um serviço na núvem gera mesmo essa economia, já que a única preocupação é manter os pagamentos e o restante os prestadores desse tipo de serviço, como por exemplo a BH Servers é que cuidam de todo o ambiente.

Enfim, a tecnologia Cloud realmente já faz parte de nossas vidas e espere que esteja cada vez mais presente até mesmo dentro de nossas casas. Portanto, se prepare para o futuro e esteja preparad@ para em algum momento você acabar adquirindo algum serviço Cloud!